Sarawak Business Federation
SDEC and SBF join forces to propel Sarawakian SMEs through STEDI

24 Sep 2023, Sunday - This SME digit­al­isa­tion pro­gramme, sched­uled to run from Septem­ber 2023 to April 2024, is poised to empower Sarawakian SMEs to embrace the digital era through a com­pre­hens­ive series of train­ing and ment­or­ship.

SAMIN: Boost from state government to Sarawak businesses

08 Oct 2023, Sunday - The estab­lish­ment of the SBF Recov­ery Biz­Fund which will provide much needed sup­port to Sarawakian com­pan­ies still reel­ing from the dev­ast­at­ing impact of Covid-19 and the ensu­ing Move­ment Con­trol Order (MCO) that affected eco­nom­ies world­wide.

SFAA, SBF to provide courses for members

05 Nov 2023, Sunday - These courses bene­fit the logist­ics industry as well as the busi­ness com­munity in Sarawak in by upskilling, re-train­ing the work­force. This is also in line with Sarawak Premier’s aim to achieve higher income soci­ety under our wilayah 10 years plan on PCDS2030.

ACIS offers cutting-edge IT training

19 Nov 2023, Sunday - Spe­cial­ising in IT Train­ing and Cer­ti­fic­a­tion, Soft-skills devel­op­ment, team build­ing, and project man­age­ment courses, ACIS has become a trus­ted name in empower­ing indi­vidu­als and organ­isa­tions across Sarawak.