ACIS offers cutting-edge IT training

  Date Posted: 19 Nov 2023, Sunday

Spe­cial­ising in IT Train­ing and Cer­ti­fic­a­tion, Soft-skills devel­op­ment, team build­ing, and project man­age­ment courses, ACIS has become a trus­ted name in empower­ing indi­vidu­als and organ­isa­tions across Sarawak.

A sig­ni­fic­ant test­a­ment to ACIS’s com­mit­ment is its recent col­lab­or­a­tion with the Sarawak Busi­ness Fed­er­a­tion, where they have been appoin­ted to con­duct the pres­ti­gi­ous Project Man­age­ment Pro­fes­sional (PMP) course and Cyber­se­cur­ity Aware­ness for Busi­ness and Entre­pren­eurs throughout the region.

The PMP course, a pin­nacle in project man­age­ment cer­ti­fic­a­tion, is sched­uled to take place in Kuch­ing at RAIA Hotel from Novem­ber 27 to Decem­ber 1, 2023 and in Miri at Imper­ial Palace Hotel from Decem­ber 11 to 15, 2023. ACIS has stra­tegic­ally chosen these ven­ues to ensure access­ib­il­ity and con­veni­ence for pro­fes­sion­als seek­ing to enhance their project man­age­ment skills.

The Cyber­se­cur­ity Aware­ness pro­gramme, equally cru­cial in today’s digital land­scape, has been suc­cess­fully con­duc­ted in Sibu at King­wood Hotel on Octo­ber 26 to 27 and in Kuch­ing at RAIA Hotel on Octo­ber 30 to 31.

The upcom­ing ses­sions are slated for Bin­tulu at Golden­Bay Hotel from Novem­ber 20 to 21 and in Miri at Mega Hotel from Novem­ber 23 to 24. These pro­grammes are a test­a­ment to ACIS’s ded­ic­a­tion to ensur­ing that Sarawak’s pro­fes­sion­als are well-versed in the crit­ical aspects of cyber­se­cur­ity.

One of the not­able aspects of ACIS’s ini­ti­at­ives is the attract­ive fund­ing options avail­able, provid­ing aspir­ing pro­fes­sion­als with a golden oppor­tun­ity to become cer­ti­fied PMP prac­ti­tion­ers and gain extens­ive know­ledge in cyber­se­cur­ity.

For those eager to delve into ACIS’s offer­ings, the year 2024 holds prom­ising pro­spects. ACIS has cur­ated its best-selling courses, tailored to meet the needs of HRD­Corp employ­ers and gov­ern­ment sec­tors. This move reflects ACIS’s for­ward-think­ing approach, align­ing its train­ing pro­grammes with the evolving demands of the pro­fes­sional land­scape.

Pro­spect­ive par­ti­cipants and organ­isa­tions inter­ested in ACIS’s pro­grammes can con­tact their office at 082-256979 or email hello@acis­di­ for more detailed inform­a­tion. ACIS prides itself on the qual­ity of its courses, facil­it­ated by exper­i­enced train­ers who bring real-world insights to the train­ing envir­on­ment.

Fur­ther­more, ACIS has earned recog­ni­tion as an author­ised train­ing part­ner for both PMI and Android, under­scor­ing its com­mit­ment to deliv­er­ing industry-rel­ev­ant and glob­ally recog­nised cer­ti­fic­a­tions.

As ACIS con­tin­ues to lead the charge in fos­ter­ing pro­fes­sional devel­op­ment in Sarawak, it remains a valu­able resource for those aspir­ing to excel in the realms of IT, project man­age­ment, and cyber­se­cur­ity. The jour­ney towards per­sonal and organ­isa­tional suc­cess begins with the right train­ing, and ACIS is stead­fast in provid­ing the roadmap for that jour­ney.