SFAA, SBF to provide courses for members

  Date Posted: 05 Nov 2023, Sunday

These courses bene­fit the logist­ics industry as well as the busi­ness com­munity in Sarawak in by upskilling, re-train­ing the work­force. This is also in line with Sarawak Premier’s aim to achieve higher income soci­ety under our wilayah 10 years plan on PCDS2030.

The primary object­ive of for the train­ings are to upskill/retrain the logist­ics industry & the busi­ness com­munity to be com­pet­ent and pro­mote local busi­ness to com­pete in global mar­kets.

By com­pet­ing glob­ally, Sarawak will be more vis­ible on the inter­na­tional plat­form thus poten­tially bring­ing in more income for Sarawak. This will reduce the out­flow of the local work­force by cre­at­ing more higher pay­ing job oppor­tun­it­ies in Sarawak.

Through the organ­ised courses, par­ti­cipants will be able to have a bet­ter over­view of the pro­cesses involved in the main import­ing/export­ing mode which is by air, sea and land trans­port. The SBF’s Recov­ery Biz­Fund is provid­ing Sarawaki­ans a great oppor­tun­ity by fund­ing for train­ees who to attend SFAA organ­ised train­ings to obtain a recog­nised cer­ti­fic­a­tion which is endorsed by UNESCAP, Fed­er­a­tion of Malay­sian Freight For­ward­ers, (FMFF) Malay­sia Mar­ine Depart­ment, or Civil Avi­ation Author­ity Malay­sia (CAAM) depend­ing on the train­ing atten­ded.

SFAA star­ted the first course in Feb­ru­ary 2023 and still ongo­ing courses almost on monthly basis until end of 2023. SFAA is also plan­ning to con­tinue and poten­tially pro­pos­ing more rel­ev­ant courses for year 2024.

The courses organ­ised are as fol­lows; Unes­cap cer­ti­fic­ate into MTO frieght­ing, IMDG Code: Gen­eral aware­ness, IMDG Code: Func­tion Spe­cific, Under­stand­ing UCP 600 for Doc­u­ment­ary Let­ter of Cred­its and Bills of Lad­ing, and IATA DGR CAT 6.

For those inter­ested in the courses, con­tact SFAA sec­ret­ariat at 082-482778 or email to sfaa@edu@gmail.com