SBF-MEF to offer various training courses

  Date Posted: 17 Dec 2023, Sunday

The courses offered under this col­lab­or­a­tion are fun­ded through the SBF Recov­ery Biz­Fund and thus, they are of no charge to all par­ti­cip­at­ing mem­bers of MEF and SBF accord­ingly.

The courses are Work­place Com­mu­nic­a­tion & Con­flict Res­ol­u­tions Skills, Microsoft Excel – Basic, Inter­me­di­ate and Advance, Occu­pa­tional Safety & Health Coordin­ator (OHSC) Train­ing and HRDC Cer­ti­fied Train the Trainer. These courses are car­ried out throughout the State in Kuch­ing, Sibu, Miri and Bin­tulu.

The course on Work­place Com­mu­nic­a­tion & Con­flict Res­ol­u­tions Skills is designed to help indi­vidu­als to improve their pro­fes­sional com­mu­nic­a­tion and con­flict res­ol­u­tion skills and build con­fid­ence in their abil­ity to effect­ively com­mu­nic­ate in vari­ous work­place.

Through inter­act­ive ses­sions and prac­tical exer­cises, par­ti­cipants will develop their present­a­tion skills as well as learn strategies for effect­ive col­lab­or­a­tion and con­flict res­ol­u­tion.

The object­ive of the course is to enable employee to express them­selves more clearly and effect­ively, listen act­ively and respond appro­pri­ately to oth­ers, and under­stand the import­ance of non-verbal com­mu­nic­a­tion; and to enable employ­ees to feel more con­fid­ent in them­selves, their abil­it­ies, and their inter­ac­tions with oth­ers. They may be bet­ter equipped to handle chal­lenges and make decisions with greater sel­fas­sur­ance. The tar­get group for this course are junior exec­ut­ive, pro­ba­tion­ary employ­ees, super­visor and sup­port staff.

Today, learn­ing Excel is a must for every com­pany. Excel is import­ant for many reas­ons. It helps com­plete a vari­ety of projects and tasks more effi­ciently. It is relied on by many fin­ance and account­ing pos­i­tions to ana­lyse fin­an­cial mod­el­ling and report doc­u­ment­a­tion. It is used by engin­eers or data ana­lysts to pre­pare valu­able data­sets for fore­cast­ing per­form­ances and mak­ing decisions.

For this reason, MEF and SBF col­lab­or­ated and decided to provide courses on Microsoft Excel – Basic level, Inter­me­di­ate level and Advance level courses. Excel is con­sidered the industry stand­ard piece of soft­ware in data ana­lysis. Learn­ing to use Excel can have many bene­fits both in per­sonal and pro­fes­sional life, such as organ­ising data, auto­mat­ing tasks, and cre­at­ing dash­boards. Excel can also be used to make accur­ate ana­lysis, for­mu­late reports, and extract inform­a­tion from data. This course is designed for clerks, officers, exec­ut­ives, super­visors, admin­is­trat­ors, man­agers of all levels; and per­son­nel who already know and under­stand and want to fur­ther enhance their know­ledge and prac­tical uses of Microsoft Excel.

The Occu­pa­tional Safety and Health (Amend­ment) Act 2020 (Act 1648) will make sig­ni­fic­ant changes to the Occu­pa­tional Safety and Health Act (1994). Unlike the pre­vi­ous OSHA, which only applied to cer­tain indus­tries like man­u­fac­tur­ing, hos­pit­al­ity, and con­struc­tion, the amended OSHA will cover all work­places in Malay­sia, includ­ing the pub­lic sec­tor and stat­utory agen­cies. This will also imply that an employer has oblig­a­tions at all loc­a­tions where work is done.

This course is made pos­sible through MEF’s sub­si­di­ary MEF Academy Sdn Bhd which had col­lab­or­ated with the National Insti­tute of Occu­pa­tional Safety and Health in con­duct­ing Occu­pa­tional Safety & Health Coordin­ator (OHSC) courses in the towns of Kuch­ing, Sibu, Bin­tulu and Miri, Sarawak.

The object­ive of this course is to provide the accur­ate expos­ure of OSH to the small and medium industry (SMI), to enhance OSH aware­ness to employer and employee in SMI sec­tor, and to intro­duce OSH Coordin­ator and the roles in OSH Man­age­ment.

The course is expec­ted to increase the num­ber of Occu­pa­tional Safety and Health, SMEs Com­pan­ies must each des­ig­nate at least one employee as a trained per­son for OSH Coordin­ator; and to pro­duce 100 OSH Coordin­ator for SMEs among mem­bers of MEF and SBF accord­ingly. The tar­get group for this course are oper­a­tional man­agers, super­visors and team lead­ers.

Another course offered is the HRDC Cer­ti­fied Train the Trainer. The skill focus area of this course is in Train­ing and Devel­op­ment whereby it is designed for man­agers, exec­ut­ives, train­ers, instruct­ors, team lead­ers and super­visors in organ­isa­tion who wish to provide struc­tured, train­ing and con­duct rel­ev­ant and fair assess­ment in their organ­isa­tion to achieve max­imum per­form­ance.

The course is to enable them to use adult learn­ing strategies to con­duct effect­ive train­ing at work­place; to con­duct train­ing needs assess­ments and develop com­pet­ency-based train­ing spe­cific to the skills gap within the organ­isa­tion; and to be able to demon­strate pro­fes­sional train­ing and present­a­tion skills, that will ensure effect­ive­ness of the train­ing and meet the eval­u­ation assess­ments of the organ­isa­tion.

The five-day train­ing was con­duc­ted by HRDC appoin­ted train­ers from MEF Academy, provid­ing struc­tured approach for Train­ing and Devel­op­ment and shar­ing of pro­fes­sional train­ing skills with exper­i­en­tial learn­ing for par­ti­cipants.

For those inter­ested in the courses, con­tact MEF Sarawak Regional Office: 082-405 200 or email